Circus Maximus

The Circus Maximus is one of the oldest and most evocative places in Rome. Located in the valley between the Palatine and the Aventine, it was built in the royal era to host chariot racing competitions. Later, during the Roman Empire, the Circus became one of the most important places in the city, used for religious celebrations and public shows.
Today the Circus Maximus looks like a vast open space, surrounded by greenery and with a panoramic view of the city. There are many activities that can be carried out here: from walks and runs, to small parties and concerts.
The Circus Maximus has been the subject of numerous restoration and enhancement interventions in recent years, to bring it back to its former magnificence and make it usable by all. Among the most recent innovations, there is the possibility of visiting the archaeological remains of the Circus, such as the bleachers and structures for the wagons, which bear witness to the importance and grandeur of the place.
Furthermore, the Circus Maximus has always been a meeting place for the Romans and today, more than ever, it has become a meeting place for tourists from all over the world. Here it is possible to immerse yourself in the ancient history of the city, enjoy the breathtaking view of the city and experience moments of relaxation and leisure in one of the most evocative places in the capital.
It is an essential stop for anyone who wants to discover the beauty and history of Rome. A visit to the Circus Maximus represents a unique experience, which allows you to get in touch with the city's past, enjoy the beauty of the present and discover the future of the Eternal City.